There are many great motivational speakers who have nuggets that you can incorporate into not only your business, but your day-to-day life as well. Mark McClure has some interesting points that I have compiled, that we all need to look at if we are to be successful in business.
Goal Setting - How many of us have our goals written down? If not, do so now. Set a 3 month goal.....this could be an enrollment goal of new customers or a monetary goal. Set a 12 month financial much do you want to earn in the next 12 months? Don't give up on accountability. This is your WHY? Have a purpose. Have a plan.
Prospecting - How would you rate yourself on this? Are you out there talking to people about this business everyday? Do you set aside specific times to talk with people, whether its on the phone or while you're at networking meetings, or just going about your day?
Engage - Meet and Greet. Are you asking the right questions of others? Start the meeting with mindset to close the prospect. Find common ground. People work with people they like. You have about 3-15 seconds to create a good first impression. Identify your similar interests. Have a sense of one cares if you're having a bad day. Be positive.
Qualifying - Do they have what it takes to be a Distributor with your company, or the commitment to be a customer on an auto ship? Identify the prospects goals.
Presentation - How do you rate on giving a presentation of this company? The most successful business people don't necessarily know the most about the product or the details of the company, but it's usually the person with the best attitude and the most raw enthusiasm. Be childlike in your enthusiasm with others. Take them through different emotional states - fear, excitement, urgency. Emotion builds momentum. Create the urgency to listen, join.
Handle Objections - Put people on my train of thought. Don't get sucked into why they can't do this. Derail them. Be in control of the conversation. Here's what I can bring to the table for you... Use tie down lines...."does that make sense?, do you see how that works?" Get more than one way to close and overcome objections. Be flexible.
You should learn at least 7 different ways to overcome an objection. Not two. Go along the lines of "what's the worst thing that could happen if you tried these products? -or- "what's the best thing that could happen if you tried these products? Don't let them go home and think about it.
Close - The top 20% of us have 5 answers to objections, 70% of us have only 2 answers to objections, and the top 10% have 22 ways to handle objections. Where do you want to be? Take a portion of your time to study different sales and marketing training techniques. It will benefit your business in the long run.
P.M.A. - Positive Mental Attitude.... develop good thought patterns. Being a good prospector/presenter/closer takes time. Learn how to do it. Spend time learning. Practice, practice, practice. Focus on who you are becoming as you learn. Think outside the box. Stretch yourself outside your comfort zone. You will see that you will become a much more interesting person and a better person.
Commitment - What is your commitment to creating financial independence? Sometimes we have a bigger commitment to our family members than ourselves. Use that. Whatever it takes. BE COMMITTED. Have the attitude of "I'm doing this cause I don't have anywhere else to go!" Failure is NOT an option. I will succeed no matter what. I will not quit...I will reach my goals no matter what.
Look over these categories. What are your two weakest areas? If your two weakest areas were your best areas.... 1. Would you achieve your three month goal? 2. Would you achieve your twelve month goal?
What one ACTION will you take today to ensure that you hit your goal (or improve your weakest areas)?
Did you know that salesmen are the 3rd highest paid people out there behind entertainers and athletes? It's work, but it's worth it.
Never let what you can't do get in the way of what you can. You can see what Karen Obryan accomplished in just a few short days with her Universal Sponsoring System