Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mastering Wealth

By Napoleon Hill from Think and Grow Rich.

Do you recognize yourself in any of these weaknesses? You can change if you are serious about accumulating wealth and financial freedom.

1 – Failure to recognize and clearly define exactly what you want.

2 – Procrastination usually backed up by a formidable array of excuses.

3 – Lack of interest in acquiring specialized knowledge.

4 – Indecision. The habit of passing the buck on all occasions, instead of facing issues squarely.

5 – The habit of relying upon alibis instead of creating definite plans for the solution of problems.

6 – Self satisfaction.

7 – Indifference. Usually reflected in one’s willingness to compromise in all occasions, rather that meet opposition and fight it.

8 – The habit of blaming others for one’s mistakes and accepting unfavorable circumstances as unavoidable.

9 – Weakness of desire due to neglect of motives that impel action. (Not having a strong “Reason Why”)

10 – Willingness, even eagerness to quit at the first sign of defeat, based upon basic fears.

11 – Lack of organized plans placed in writing where they may be organized.

12 – The habit of neglecting to move on ideas or to grasp opportunity when it presents itself.

13 – Wishing instead of willing.

14 – The habit of compromising with poverty instead of aiming at riches. General absence of ambition to be, to do and to own.

15 – Searching for all of the short cuts to riches. Trying to get without giving a fair equivalent.

16 – Fear of criticism of what others will think, do or say